I lost £168 yesterday and today I managed to loose some more. I'm now in negative territory and it don't feel good. That means my initial investment of £2,500 is now worth £2,444.25 and the key players; Bitcoin and Ethereum seem to be dropping in price.
Side note: I've asked myself several times, as well as other people who trade, is it pronounced eee-ther-ree-umm? or eth-ther-ree-umm? or even could it be, eth-err-ree-hum? I just get mumbles back and continue to guess.
So the game is on and I'm wondering how low can it go? Is the online world of stock trading going to crash? And will I loose my money? Who knows. And certainly not me - If I did I wouldn't be loosing it now would I? According to my mother, it is a dangerous place to be and in reality she doesn't know I'm investing my money here. It makes it so much more appealing.
Word of the day: Blockchain
Bear with me here, I'm still getting my head around this one. But it seems to be like a new improved version of windows. The interior designer inside me wants to say, windows with curtains?
I'm imagining very large excel files which store information and data to run programs. And all the excel sheets inside that particular excel file can all talk to one another and sometimes, if we're lucky, other programs. Turns out Ethereum is a blockchain.
Someone who knows and can explain in words of one syllable, please let me know if that makes sense. Thanks.
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